Maximum Subarray
04 Apr 2020 | 3 minutes to readThe problem can be found in here.
Problem Description
Given an integer array nums
, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum and return its sum.
Input: [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]
Output: 6
Explanation: [4, -1, 2, 1] has the largest sum = 6
First, let’s understand what contiguous subarray
is. A contiguous subarray is a subarray of an array which it has no gaps in between. For example, given the input array as shown in the example above, a subarray, [1, -3, 4]
, is a contiguous subarray; where as, a subarray [-2, 1, 4, -1]
, is not a valid contiguous subarray due to missing -3
A simplest solution would be to generate all possible subarrays and perform a sum operation on each subarray to determine the maximum contiguous subarray. However, this will cost us O(n^3)
running time (subarray generation (O(n^2)
) * sum (O(n)
There are multiple approaches to improve the approach from here including divide and conquer and dynamic programming. In this post, an approach using a Dynamic Programming would be introduced here. The dynamic programming solution for this problem is also known as Kadane’s Algorithm.
Dynamic Programming
Here are two key points to solve a DP problem efficiently.
- The original problem can be solved relatively easily once solutions to the subproblems are available, and
- These subproblem solutions are cached.
Let’s try to define out subproblem for this question. Max contiguous subarray problem can be translated to the following statement
On what index does this subarray stop to result the max sum, and on what index does it need to be started at.
For example, consider the following
nums = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]
Let’s consider a subarray ending a certain index (ie. i = 4). In the example, this value corresponds to nums[4] = -1
. Let’s also assume that we know the maximum sum of subarray that ends in previous index (ie. i = 3). Then, we can express the maximum sum of subarray ending in index 4 using the following expression.
maximum_sum_ending_index_4 = max(nums[4], nums[4] + maximum_sum_ending_index_3)
Simply saying, the maximum sum ending on index 4 is either the value itself or the sum of previous max and its value.
Similarly, to get a maximum sum ending index 3, we can do the following.
maximum_sum_ending_index_3 = max(nums[3], nums[3] + maximum_sum_ending_index_2)
To get maximum_sum_ending_index_2
, we can perform a similar approach with index 1, and so on. Finally, maximum_sum_ending_0
correponds to nums[0]
Now we have successfully identified the maximum_sum_ending
on each index. To answer the full question, we just need to return the maximum of these.
def maxSubArray(nums):
max_sum = global_max = nums[0]
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
max_sum = max(nums[i], nums[i] + max_sum)
global_max = max(global_max, max_sum)
return global_max
This algorithm runs with time complexity of O(n)
and space complexity of O(1)